House Sparrow colour: (Female) Buffy-brown overall with dingy gray-brown under parts, (Male) Sparrows are brightly colored birds with gray heads, white cheeks, a black bib, and rufous neck.
Size: Length – 5-6.5”. Weight – 24-34.5 grams.
Common nesting areas: Awnings, wall vents/exhausts, attics, soffit, and eaves, beneath siding, barns and in many store front signs.
Sounds that may be heard: Chirping, fluttering, and hopping. Also will note signs of droppings around property. City structures and residential homes have allowed sparrows to gain access to ideal nesting sites with little effort. The House Sparrow is a very social bird, and is active all year long while feeding.
Diet: As an adult, the House Sparrow mostly feeds on the seeds of grains and weeds but it is opportunistic and adaptable, and eats whatever foods are available. Sparrows also eat insects and some plant matter besides seeds, including buds, berries, and fruits such as grapes and cherries. The House Sparrow is also largely fed food provided directly or indirectly by humans (such as bread).
Baby removal: Sparrows will have 2-3 broods per year, laying 3-7 eggs at a time (4-5 on average). Each nest may be used by up to 4 different females in a season. The young will be capable of first flight after about 3-4 weeks old. Once babies have been located they can be removed and depending on their age they can be removed and set free or removed and placed in an insulated bird box away from the nesting area to have mother tend to young. In many cases sparrow nests are crawling with mites and should also be treated once nesting is removed. Birds that have gotten into living spaces can be caught and removed while onsite.
Common prevention methods: Bird netting, shock track, wire mesh, bird slope, bird gel, bird spiking and visual or sound deterrents. In some cases if sparrows have gotten into an enclosed space (attic) a humane one way door system can be set up.
Eaves: Bird spiking.
Ledges: Bird slope, bird wire, spiking, bird gel, shock track.
Enclosed areas: Bird netting, screening, visual or sound deterrents.
Hazards: Can aid in carrying such diseases as Avian Tuberculosis, Turkey Blackhead, Newcastle Disease, Canary Pox, Pullorum, and numerous fungal and protozoan parasites. Droppings are also unsightly and can be a danger to those passing by as they may slip and fall due to excess droppings in common walking areas.
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